*********************************** *ALL-AMERCIAN FOOTBALL TEST CENTER* * * * PRESENTS * * * * AAFTC REPLACEMENT GAMEPLANS * * VERSION 3.0 * *********************************** *********************************** * DESIGNED * * AND * * CREATED * * BY * * EDWARD HARRIS,MARCUS HARRIS * * AND * * AAFTC GROUP MEMBERS * *********************************** INTRODUCTION: ************* All American Football Test Center (AAFTC) thanks you for your interest in our plans and "SERIOUS" competition. AAFTC is a group of ex players, coaches and people who love football and computers. Our goal here is to increase the level of the overall play in the sim, especially the computer foe. What we have done is designed a multitude of gameplans for human and\or computer use in place of the weak stockplans. You will find the computer "VERY TOUGH" to beat no matter what team you play against. Of course some teams will be weaker than others, but I want to stress that the plays are very "HARD" to defense manually. Those coaches may find the plays easier to defend because your guys will handle the dirty work for you. Because of the nature of the "D" plays we suggest you limit up the middle plays to a realistic number. To help in this effort we have limited the number and type of plays running inside. There are about 15 defensive plays and two defensive gameplans. D2 is easier to play against than D3. Despite the presence of more options for "D" plays we've found that the plays enclosed are the most "consistently" effective against both the run and pass(stock and our plays). CONTENTS: ********* Enclosed you will find over 200 offensive plays, 90 offensive gameplans 45 running and 45 passing, approximetly 15 defensive plays, two defensive gameplans,nine batch files and this file. The offensive plans are made up of one or more of the following offensive sets: Wishbone,Broken bone,Double wing, Off I, pro set(veer),shotgun or the run n shoot. The base running plays are option plays. The defensive plans have the 33(nickel variant), 34,43 and 44. This file will update ALL of your FPSPLAN2,FPSPLAN3 and FPSPLAN4 gameplans and play files. By request, OFF3 and OFF4 will install the more "PRO" style offensive plans that don't incorporate the wishbone or broken bone. ***************************************************************************** INSTALLATION: PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. * ***************************************************************************** *******WARNING!!!! READ AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE LETTER!!!!!******* *******WARNING!!!! READ AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE LETTER!!!!!******* * Please follow the instructions carefully to avoid unfortunate incidents. * If you delete a step or take ANY shortcuts I can promise you you won't get * the plans to work properly. HOWEVER, if you READ and FOLLOW the instructions* you will be up in less than five minutes. * ***************************************************************************** To install the gameplans to your hard drive do the following: Copy ALL of the stkoffxx.pln and stkdefxx.pln files in the Dynamix\ Football\Stock\Stockpln sub-directory to backup files with the .ORI extension. Where xx represents a "two" digit number 01-36(ie. copy *.pln *.ori). Copy all of the play files(ie. all of the files with the .ply extension) to the Dynamix\Football sub-directory sub-directory using the DOS command copy *.ply X:\Dynamix\Football where "X" is the Drive that FPS is on. Now, copy ALL off the plan AND play files(ie. all of the files with .pln AND .ply extension) to the Dynamix\Football\Team sub-directory using the DOS command copy *.pln X:\Dynamix\Football\Team THEN copy *.ply X: Dynamix\Football\Team where "X" is the Drive that FPS is on. Now, copy ALL of the batch files(ie. files with .BAT extension)to the Dynamix directory. Use the DOS command copy *.bat X:\Dynamix where "X" is the drive that FPS is on. The plans and plays are now accessable for use by "HUMAN" players during exhibition games. To replace the stock offensive plans with our plans you need to run a OFFX.BAT file from the DYNAMIX directory, where X represents a number 1-5. You will need to type in the drive the FPS is on after the bat file command(ie. "OFF4 C"). This will automatically copy our plans over the stock offensive plans for you. The plans will now be used by ALL computer teams in league play and exhibition. To return to the original plans run the NOOFF.BAT file from the DYNAMIX directory with the proper drive command (ie. "NOOFF C"). To replace and restore the defensive plans use one of the DEFX.BAT and NODEF.BAT files just like the offensive plans. When you replace the plans the computer will use them in league and exhibition play instead of the stock plans. That's all there is to it. PLAN INDEX: *********** The offensive plans are named in a code the reveals what style and how many passes and runs it contains. The first number after the letter code is the number of passes and the second number is the number of runs. Here is a chart of the letter codes: B = Wishbone BB = Broken Bone W = Doublewing(two TE one RB) P = Proset V = Veer(proset) I = Off I An example is W12-20.pln. This plan is the Doublewing set with 12 passes and 20 runs. Another is BIV8-24. This plan is a mix of the wishbone,off I and veer(proset) with 8 passes and 24 runs. Get it?. DISCLAIMER: *********** This is FREEWARE however, if you feel that you have benefited from the product you can send $5.00 to me at 402 Western Ave. #E Glendale, Cal 91201. This fee will put you on our mailing list for the upgrades to come in the future. The fee is ONETIME ONLY and is not affiliated with SIERRA Dynamix in any way. Please feel free to distribute this to local BBS's and friends as long as you don't charge a fee AND you share an unaltered version of this product. Any comments and or reccommendations are welcome. ***************************************************************************** Marcus Harris Prodigy#BKJD24A or voice 818 240-6432.